Posted by: L. E. Barnes | November 8, 2011

The 10 Commandments: Hillbilly Style

Just had to pass this along:

Does that help clarify the Decalogue for you?


  1. I love this, especially because I live in the Ozarks. Where do you find all the good funny stuff you populate your blog with?

    • I’m glad you found it amusing. Funny, but still hits the nail on the head quite well!

      A relative uploaded this on Facebook, and I couldn’t resist resist posting it here.

  2. Too funny!

  3. Love this! Thanks so much for posting it!

  4. I’ve seen this before–it’s just as cute now as it was then.

  5. This is funny, Evan!!

    • I know–it’s hilarious! I don’t know who came up with it, but I love it!

  6. Can I at least swipe this one fer my blog???? 🙂

  7. Is there any place I could order the Hillbilly 10 Commandments for gifts I really think this is so good.

    • I have no idea where copies of this could be obtained. But I agree–it’s hilarious!

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