Posted by: L. E. Barnes | June 18, 2011

Sabbath Moments

Each Saturday, fellow Catholic blogger Colleen Spiro hosts the meme “Sabbath Moments,” where she and others share their special moments from the week. Join us and tell us about your own “little sabbaths.”

Though we’ve had some hot afternoons this week, the evenings have been cool and pleasant, allowing for some very enjoyable and relaxing walks around the neighborhood. After spending all day cooped up in the house, stepping outside for some fresh air as well as the sights and sounds of nature is refreshing…

Mystagogia ended this past Sunday, so our parish’s latest group of fledgling Catholics has been shooed out of the nest to continue their new life in the Church. It’s been great being able to assist with RCIA over these past few years. The current leaders of our parish’s RCIA program are stepping down, however, so we all said our goodbyes after our class Sunday morning, as that was the last time we would be working together — but we’ll still see each other at church. I don’t know yet if I’ll be asked to continue helping with the RCIA classes, as a new person is going to be taking over now. We’ll see. But the experience has been enjoyable and has also helped me as a fairly new Catholic myself.

We watched “Secretariat” on Tuesday. It was very touching, though my mother didn’t care to watch the racing scenes (she’s hyper-sensitive about animals and was afraid the scenes would show horses getting hurt — they didn’t, however). Last night we saw “Mother Teresa,” which gave us a new appreciation for what the recently beatified nun went through to help the poorest of the poor. (I don’t think I’m cut out to do the kind of work she and her subordinates did!)

The right song can always give you a good “pick-me-up”, and this little video from YouTube brought a smile to my face — hopefully it will bring you one too.


  1. Hi Evan,
    The video of the baby in the walker was very cute – it made me smile, too 🙂 I’ve heard that the movie Secretariat is very good, my niece saw it and loved it. I haven’t seen the movie about Blessed Mother Theresa . She was definitely a very special woman. I’m not sure many people could do what she did, never complaining, eyes always on God while she served the poorest of the poor. Amazing.

    • I love the song, and that video footage of the baby in a walker speeding down the highway and across the landscape (taken from a commercial) is just too cute.

      Mother Teresa had more patience than Job to be able to do what she did without complaining. The movie does show her at one point telling a priest that she felt she couldn’t go on, but she did anyway. Blessed Teresa of Calcutta, pray for us.

  2. Nothing is cuter than babies and baby animals. I sure did grin at the video. I’d like to see the Mother Teresa movie as she is such a wonderful example of living the Gospel. Last week I saw a report from Catholic News Asia about a Japanese film writer and director who is 78 and has made 3 movies about Mother Teresa. He and his wife even went to India to work with her. The movies are in Japanese and I don’t know if they have English subtitles or not because I haven’t searched yet. The greatness of Mother Teresa was that she could inspire all cultures and nations to care for the poor and helpless.

    • Glad the video made you grin. 🙂

      Mother Teresa will doubtless continue to be an inspiration for years to come.

  3. I love that commercial, too. I’m too young to remember roller skates with keys, but my first pair of skates were still the kind you had to wear shoes with. Rollerblades followed soon after.

    P.S. I don’t know if you’ve realized this, but as I’m catching up with old Sunday Snippets, I noticed that you’re only leaving a link to the main page of your blog. You’re supposed to either link to your weekly Sunday Snippets post or to the single post you want to submit to the carnival.

    • I never had roller skates with a key either (don’t know when those went out of style). Anyway, it’s a fun song, and the commercial was adorable.

  4. Love the video, so cute! I’ve been wanting to see Secretariat and the movie on Mother Teresa but haven’t seen either one yet. Hopefully soon.

  5. Thanks for joining in this meme, Evan! Loved the video and loved Secretariat. A great movie.

  6. Cute video!
    I forgot about the secretariat, have to see that. What’s the full name of the movie on Mother Teresa? Kid friendly?

    • It’s just called “Mother Teresa”. It’s a family-friendly movie.

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